Studio Anusha Saraff

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Anusha Saraff

The Studio

With environmental consciousness at its core, Studio Anusha Saraff is an architecture and design studio based in Nepal and India. A young firm with an old-school approach, we aim at fabricating structures which reflect a cohesive confluence of the old and new, by drawing inspiration from the traditional wisdom of design and construction to devise contemporary structures. Our primary endeavor is to create healthy spaces for the inhabitants by employing less toxic materials that are environmentally sound and user-friendly.

“No effort is ever wasted”

With an uptick in the climate-related disasters over the past decade, our team feels morally and socially obligated to play our personal role in creating built environments that are sustainable and responsible. Drawing on these lines, Studio Anusha Saraff focuses on providing holistic and eco-friendly design solutions that are practical, yet aesthetically tasteful. We also believe in the synergy of art and architecture, and hence collaborate with artisans and craftspeople to imbue hand-crafted textures, forms and articles into the modern spaces for creating a unique vocabulary and adding meaningfulness into the buildings.

Founder and Principal Architect

An ardent traveller and animal-lover at heart, along with being an adept artist and trekker by nature, Ar. Anusha Saraff is a little bit of everything. An alumna of M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (Bangalore), her penchant for sustainable architecture stems from her inherent compassion towards nature, which was further reinforced with over 5 years of work experience with Architectural organizations that encourage eco-friendly practices such as Dharmalaya Institute (Himachal Pradesh) and Hunnarshala Foundation (Gujarat). Her vast travels that spanned across different regions of India, most of which were tucked away in mountainous regions away from the concrete jungles of metro cities, sharpened her knowledge and strengthened her ecological perspective towards architecture and design. She seeks to integrate her learnings of sustainable approaches with the mainstream building industry for creating contextual and beautiful spaces that have a lesser impact on our environment.